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  • Writer's pictureTyler Trettin


It's happened to us all. We've all heard the nasty words, " You're grounded!"

Luckily there is a better version of the word grounded that we can use as a tool to help us change.

When I think of the word "grounded" I think of words like base, roots, firm, unmovable. I think it is vitally important to have a base to rely on. Something that when the darkest storms come will stand immovable. Some of us may not have a base right now. The dark storms come and they tear us apart and we have to build from the ground up. Just like constructing a building, our brain is going to take time to build a base. For me, the base looks like this:

Remembering to love me, setting goals, living up to my spiritual standards, and a dream board.

I have a lot of work to do before my base can withstand just about any storm thrown my way, but this is a good start for me. I just now realized that all 4 have something in common. That is, they remind me of who I truly am and what I want to be. Sometimes we lose track of that and we just need a reminder. Doing some of these things will help us see that we truly are incredible and can accomplish great things. Our weaknesses are meant to become strengths. That doesn't come from just hoping that they poof into strengths one day, it comes from honest effort. Building a base. Staying grounded in who we truly are. As Mufasa so greatly said, "Remember who you are!" You are capable of greatness.

Your boi,


P.S. - Please leave a comment about something that keeps you grounded or is a part of your base.

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